Shortsini Shorts - Burlwood
Shortsini Shorts
Why are women in underwear on the beach while men are in?
Shortsini Shorts are a pair of stylish, comfortable and practical swim shorts for girls / women.
Stretchy fabric for maximum mobility - clothes should not restrict you
Soft travel at the waist that follows the body
Drawstring at the waist that allows you to also secure the shorts exactly where you want them
Airy comfortable inner panty for optimal comfort - which also means that it is not as tight as many bikini bottoms, which is also good for the genitals
Colored inner panties for increased longevity of the garment - A white inner panty soon looks old, especially if you want to be able to swim every day of the month
A back pocket with a zipper
Eyelets - ie small holes - in the sides of the shorts that release any air that collects when walking or jumping in the water
A size tag that also acts as a hanger
In one of our Shortsini Shorts you can sit however you want, bend over and crawl around on the pier while crab fishing with the kids without showing large parts of your private regions.
You also have the option to have any hairstyle you want in this region without notifying the others on the beach - in Shortsinin you do not have to worry about the bikini line.
Read more about our thoughts on gendered swimwear here. p >
Shortsini Short comes in two colors:
RoseBrown and Black see photos.
and in six sizes
- Extra Extra Special (XXS)
- Extra Special (XS)
- Special (S)
- Magnificent (M)
- Lovely (L)
- Extra Lovely (XL)
Learn more about our sizes here.
Shortsini shorts are made of: 79% Polyamide & amp; 21% Elastane
Moonrise of Sweden
Vad säger våra kunder om produkterna
Äntligen!! Beställde direkt!! Inga mer skavande badtrosor och dra in magen känsla. Nu kan jag följa med min son till badstranden!!
❤️ tack vare era badkläder känner jag mig SJUKT mer badsugen och bekväm på bryggan! Nederdelen sitter så jäkla bra! Man känner sig vacker men ändå inte fullt naken och jag slipper hetsraka bikinilinjen när solen plötsligt dykt upp 😂 tack tack tack!!! Ni är bäst! ❤️
Köpt och fått provat! Mycket bra. Aldrig tänkt på att jag vill ha badshorts förut, men det vill jag ju verkligen.
Jag vill bara säga att jag är supernöjd med mina Shortsini och min handdukskimono. Tack!