Swimming shorts
Why do girls wear panties to the beach when guys wear shorts?
Why are girls' and women's clothes only designed to look good on a stationary model?
These were some of the questions that led us to develop Moonrise of Sweden's own concept Shortsini® - matching swimming trunks and top. Everything, of course, designed to be as practical and comfortable as it is stylish.
You buy our Shortsini® in loose parts that you mix and match as you like.
Moonrise of Sweden
Vi skapade konceptet av Shortsini för att vi ställdes oss frågan: Varför går tjejer i trosor på stranden när killar går i shorts? Vi tycker att det skall finnas ett mer jämställt alternativ. Det du tittar på just nu är våra alternativ. Hoppas du gillar dem och kan hitta en ny favorit på stranden.